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Lecture 9, Tue 10/30
Testing, Inheritance and Polymorphism
Complete Test
- Testing every possible path in every possible situation.
- Complete tests are infeasible!
- The best we can hope for is trying to approximate a Complete Test by testing various types of cases.
- The more rigorous testing a program can “pass”, the more confidence is gained that the program is “bulletproof” (handles every error as expected).
Unit Testing
- Testing individual pieces (units) of a program (small and large) to ensure correct behavior.
- Good software practice is structuring your program into modular units.
- Good tests generally cover interesting cases including:
- Normal Cases: Cases where the input is generally what we expect.
- Boundary Cases: Cases that test the edge values of possible inputs.
- Error Cases: Invalid cases (like passing a string instead of an int).
- C++ catches most of these types of errors during the compilation process.
- Other languages, such as Python, may need to rigorously check invalid input cases.
Test Suite
- A program containing various tests confirming certain behavior.
- A good way to automate tests.
- Very important for large-scale projects where other engineers may make a change that affects functionality of other existing (or new) functionality.
- We’ve seen testing programs in several of our lab assignments testing students’ submissions throughout the quarter.
Example: Writing our own simple program using tddFuncs, which tests a function that takes four integers and returns the largest
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "tddFuncs.h"
using namespace std;
int biggest (int a, int b, int c, int d) {
int biggest = 0;
if (a >= b && a >= c && a >= d)
return a;
if (b >= a && b >= c && b >= d)
return b;
if (c >= a && c >= b && c >= d)
return c;
return d;
int isPositive(int a) {
return a >= 0;
int main() {
ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(1,2,3,4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(1,2,4,3));
ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(1,4,2,3));
ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(4,1,2,3));
ASSERT_EQUALS(4, biggest(4,4,4,4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(-1, biggest(-1,-2,-3,-4));
ASSERT_EQUALS(0, biggest(-1,0,-3,-4));
return 0;
- A way of extending the functionality and properties of an existing class.
- Allows you to add new features.
- Allows you to replace existing ones.
Example (Person / Student Inheritance)
// Person.h
#ifndef PERSON_H
#define PERSON_H
class Person {
Person(std::string name, int age);
std::string getName();
int getAge();
void setName(std::string name);
void setAge(int age);
std::string name;
int age;
- Every person should have some identifiable name and age.
- Potential classes that may inherit from a Person are specific type of people (i.e. Students, Soldiers, Artists, Bankers, Musicians, etc.).
// Student.h
#ifndef STUDENT_H
#define STUDENT_H
#include "Person.h"
class Student : public Person {
Student(std::string name, int age, int studentId);
int getStudentId();
void setStudentId(int id);
int studentId;
- We say that a Person is the base class (or parent class) of Student
- Student is a derived class (or subclass or child class) of Person.
- The ‘:’ operator here means the Student class inherits everything from a Person class.
- Public Inheritance: Public members of base class become public members or derived class. Protected members of base class become protected members of derived class.
- Protected Inheritance: Public and protected members of base class become protected members of derived class.
- Private Inheritance: Public and protected members of base class become private members of derived class.
// Person.cpp
#include <string>
#include "Person.h"
using namespace std;
Person::Person(string name, int age) {
this->name = name;
this->age = age;
string Person::getName() { return name; }
int Person::getAge() { return age; }
void Person::setName(string name) { this->name = name; }
void Person::setAge(int age) { this->age = age; }
// Student.cpp
#include <string>
#include "Student.h"
using namespace std;
Student::Student(string name, int age, int id) : Person(name, age){
studentId = id;
int Student::getStudentId() { return studentId; }
void Student::setStudentId(int id) { studentId = id; }
- You can initialize your class variables using the initialization list notation.
- You must use this notation when calling the base class’ constructor.
- Even though memory for Person’s attributes are reserved in memory, a subclass cannot access a base class’ private variables by name.
- You must use the base class’ getters and setters.
- The “protected” qualifier can be used to do this.
Note on constructors and inheritance
- A student is a Person AND a Student
- Therefore, we must construct the Person first and then construct a Student.
- This gets done automatically (using the base class’ default constructor) if no explicit base class constructor is used in the initialization list.
- An error will occur if no default constructor is available in the base class.
Redefining inherited functions
- If a class inherits a method, but there is specific functionality you want to include in the sub class, then you are able to redefine the function.
- For example, let’s say you want to prepend “STUDENT:” in the getName method for students
// in Student.h
std::string getName();
// in Student.cpp
string Student::getName() {
return "STUDENT: " + name; //ERROR, name isn’t inherited
return "STUDENT: " + Person::getName; // OK!
Inheritance Types
- We’ve been saying a Student IS A Person, but a Person is not necessarily a Student.
- We can think of class types in a similar way:
Person p1(“Chris Gaucho”, 21);
Student s1(“John Doe”, 22, 12345678);
Person p2 = s1; // Legal, a student is a person
Student s2 = p1; // illegal, a person may not be a student
Memory Slicing
- Remember, C++ must reserve memory for each type… so what happens when a Person stores a Student that contains additional information… so how does C++ allocate the memory for a Student?
- It doesn’t. Object/memory slicing” happens where the Person member variables are copied but the Student member variables are not.
cout << p2.getName() << endl;
cout << p2.getAge() << endl;
cout << p2.getStudentId() << endl; // ERROR! p2 doesn’t have studentID
Pointers of base types
- A Person pointer can point to Student objects.
- A Student pointer cannot point to a Person object
- since a student is a Person, but a Person may not be a Student.
Person* p1 = new Person("R1", 10);
Student* s1 = new Student("JD", 21, 1234567);
// Student* s2 = p1; // Illegal!
Person* p2 = s1; // OK.
cout << p2->getName() << endl;
cout << p2->getAge() << endl;
cout << p2->getStudentId() << endl; // illegal
Destructors and Inheritance
- As far as destructing goes, the process works in reverse
- Student’s destructor gets called first, then Person’s destructor.
- Destructor calls are chained upwards (from derived to base)
// in Student.h
// in Student.cpp
Student::~Student() {
cout << "in Student Destructor" << endl;
// in Person.h
// in Person.cpp
Person::~Person() {
cout << "in Person destructor" << endl;
// in main.cpp
Person* p1 = new Person("R1", 10);
Student* s1 = new Student("JD", 21, 1234567);
delete p1;
cout << "---" << endl;
delete s1;